OSM has built a solid reputation for providing quality products and service.

Migration FAQ

Please review the following questions and answers regarding the migration. Please note this might not answer all of your questions but we have generated a list of common migration questions.

Does this migration cost me anything? Are there any setup fees?
The migration is completely free and there are no changes to your monthly or annual hosting fees. There is no setup fee.

Are there any changes to my website or hosting plan package?

Your hosting package name and features will relatively stay the same but there are a few changes to take note of:

--The new servers are using cPanel for managing your hosting accounts this will replace the old control panel (old: www.domainname.com/menu). We will be emailing details on how to access your cPanel. There is also new webmail software and interface.

--Regarding email accounts. Once on the new server, when logging into Webmail or connecting to your email account using any software email client you will use the full email address as the username. Your email password will remain the same unless we have specifically told you that it is different.

Your inbox, sent items, and most other email folders should be copied over. Only emails at the time of the migration that are in your Webmail are copied over. When you first log into the Webmail on the new server, only the inbox will be visible. To see your other folders, follow the following steps:
  1. Once you are logged into the new webmail, click on 'settings' at the top right of the page
  2. On the settings page, look for the 'folders' tab and click it
  3. Here you should see a list of folders that includes copies of the folders from your old webmail. Go down the list and place checkboxes under 'subscribed'  for all of the folders in the list. When you're done, go back to your email by clicking 'email' at the top right of the screen, and all of your folders both new and old should be visible.
Webmail contacts will not be moved. If you wish to keep your contacts from the current Webmail you can export them and import then into the new Webmail interface. You will want to choose the vCard format when doing the export. Please make sure you export them prior to your move date.
When is my migration happening? Can I postpone it?
Unless you have talked to one of our support agents and setup a specific timeline for your migration we will be emailing a second notice regarding the date of your migration. If you need to postpone or have more questions please contact the OSM Customer Care team (see answer 5 on how to contact us).
What will happen when my site is migrated?

The final step to migrating your website is to change the nameservers on the domain. Nameservers are what connects the domain name to the server where your website is located. In most cases we can update these for you but if you handle your own domain name registration we will provide you with the new nameservers in the hosting account information email. Once the nameservers have been updated it can take up to 24-48 hours for this change to be reflected across the internet. Regarding email it is important to continue to check your email using your current settings until your email client warns you that you are unable to connect. This is because at that point it is trying to now connect to the new server. This is when you would replace your current email username with the new username - your full email address (see answer to question 2). Your email password will remain the same unless we have specifically told you that it is different.
What happens if I suddenly cannot access my website and email after migration?
If you are suddenly having issues accessing both your email and website please contact us and provide us with your IP address that you are accessing the website and email from. An easy way to obtain your IP address is to go to www.whatismyip.com or www.supportdetails.com. If this happens to you do not be alarmed, it is most likely the servers security system taking caution if you have repeatedly failed to log in or connect to your email or cpanel. When you provide your local IP address we can remove the block.

How can I contact the OSM Customer Care team?

You can reach the OSM Customer Care team by logging into your account at www.myhelpportal.com and opening a support ticket or by calling 888-402-2681 and pressing 2 for support when prompted.